
Web Sites

Curricula and programs:

Working groups:

State/ Government programs:

College/University programs

Building Green


An Alchemy of Mind: The Marvel and Mystery of the Brain, Diane Ackerman, Scribner:  2004.

Boundaries, Maya Lin, Simon and Schuster:  2000.

Building for Life: Designing and Understanding the Human-Nature Connection, Stephen R. Kellert, Island Press:  2005.

Children and Nature: Psychological, Sociocultural, and Evolutionary Investigations, edited by Peter H. Kahn, Jr. and Stephen R. Kellert, MIT Press:  2002.

Cultures of Habitat:  On Nature, Culture, and Story, Gary Paul Nabhan, Counterpoint:  1997.

Design Outlaws on the Ecological Frontier,  Chris Zelov and Phil Cousineau, eds., Knossus Publishing:  1997.

Digital Ground:  Architecture, Pervasive Computing, and Environmental Knowing, Malcolm McCullough, MIT Press:  2004.

Earth in Mind:  On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect, David W. Orr, Island Press:  2004.

Eco-Economy:  Building an Economy for the Earth, Lester R. Brown, Norton:  2001.

Ecological Design: Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan, Island Press:  1996.

Ecological Design and Building Schools:  Green Guide to Educational Opportunities in the United States and Canada, Sandra Leibowitz Earley, New Village Press:  2005.

Ecological Education in Action:  On Weaving Education, Culture, and the Environment, Gregory A. Smith and Dilafruz R. Williams, eds., SUNY Albany:  1999.

Ecological Literacy:  Educating Our Children for a Sustainable World, Michael K. Stone and Zenobia Barlow, eds., Sierra Club Books:  2005.

Ecological Literacy:  Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World, David W. Orr, SUNY Albany:  1998.

The Ecology of Commerce:  A Declaration of Sustainability, Paul Hawken, Harper:  1993.

Education and Public Health:  Natural Partners in Learning for Life, Jenny Smith, ACSD:  2003.

Environment, Cognition, and Action:  An Integrated Approach, Tommy Garling and Gary W. Evans, eds., Oxford University Press:  1991.

The Environment for Children:  Understanding and acting on the environmental hazards that threaten children and their parents, David Satterthwaite et al, Earthscan:  1996.

Environmental Education in the 21st Century:  Theory, Practice, Progress, and Promise, Joy A. Palmer, Routledge Falmer:  1998.

A Field Guide to Getting Lost, Rebecca Solnit, Viking:  2005.

The Geography of Childhood:  Why Children Need Wild Places, Gary Paul Nabhan and Stephen Trimble, Beacon Press:  1994.

Groundswell:  Stories of Saving Places, Finding Community, Alix W. Hopkins, The Trust for Public Land:  2005.

Inquiry by Design:  Environment/Behavior/Neuroscience in Architecture, Interiors, Landscape, and Planning,(rev), John Zeisel Norton:  2006.

Last Child in the Woods:  Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, Richard Louv, Algonquin Books:  2005.

A Living Architecture:  Frank Lloyd Wright and Taliesin Architects, John Rattenbury, Pomegranate:  2000.

Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution, Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins, Back Bay Books:  1999.

The Natural Step for Communities:  How Cities and Towns can Change to Sustainable Practices, Sarah James and Torbjorn Lahti, New Society Publishers:  2004.

The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention, David W. Orr, Oxford UP:  2002.

Outside Lies Magic:  Regaining History and Awareness in Everyday Places, John R. Stilgoe, Walker and Company:  1998.

A Pattern Language:  Towns, Buildings, Construction, Christopher Alexander, Oxford Press:  1977.

Permaculture:  Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability, David Holmgren, Holmgren Design Services:  2002.

Place-Based Education:  Connecting Classrooms and Communities, David Sobel, The Orion Society:  2004.

Places of the Soul:  Architecture and Environmental Design as a Healing Art, Christopher Day, HarperCollins:  1993.

Putting Health into Place:  Landscape, Identity, and Well-Being,  Robin Kearns and Wilbert M. Gesler, eds., Syracuse University Press:  1998.

Slow Food: The Case for Taste, Carlo Petrini, Columbia University Press:  2001.

The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World, David Abram, Vintage:  1996.

Street Science:  Community Knowledge and Environmental Health Justice, Jason Corburn, MIT Press:  2005.

Teaching in the Field:  Working with Students in the Outdoor Classroom, Hal Crimmel, ed., University of Utah Press:  2003.

Unhealthy Places:  The Ecology of Risk in the Urban Landscape, Kevin Fitzpatrick and Mark LaGory, Routledge:  2000.

"There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth, everybody’s crew." - Marshall McLuhan